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Coming soon..

Astrology, but make it practical.
Astrology is everywhere, and yet every resource is either trendy yet too simple or inaccurate, or detailed yet not beginner friendly. Welcome to HINT. This is what we're trying to build for you: an eventual astrology app that you can use seamlessly in your daily life.

To bring accessibility and practicality to those of you curious about astrology.
Astrology for your daily use. I'm talking calendar integrations, planning tools, and a social network.

You've asked.
We're listening.
💌 We've got a Capricorn rising on it.
Meet the founder...
Gabriella Maaz is a...
Ex-dance trainee, creative, story lover, and psychology enthusiast
Born and raised Londoner (half Brazilian though, don't forget that or she'll be cross)
Capricorn stellium
Personal facts to do with astrology...
Has been learning it since the age of 7 (accidentally picked up a "fortune telling birthday book", became obsessed with it)
First ever boyfriend told her she was too into astrology when they broke up at 15 (she believes this qualifies her to found an astrology app)
Will ask you what your star sign is at a party, and if she doesn't she's definitely thinking it

💌 Let's connect on socials (Pluto is in Aquarius, the time is now)

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